The Filipino Pregnant Man

Image: from

Thomas Beati, 34, a Filipino-American born and raised in Hawaii, also known as Tracy Lagondino when he was a female is a female transgender with a male persona now. Married with his wife Nancy and now lives in Oregon. They have decided that Thomas would carry their child since his wife Nancy can’t bear a child after her womb was removed from an operation. Read the full story here.

  1. yara4ever

    omg that looks wrong :s

  2. He is still a she to me.. πŸ™‚
    interesting story though..

    btw, i’m moving my blogger site to wordpress.. if you are trying to visit it please browse it using the old blogspot url ..

    have a nice day kabayan…

  3. Chika and Yara, my hairs “stand still” when I first saw the image! lol πŸ˜€ haha

    Lestat, i think you’re right, whatever may happen she is still a female! I don’t know why some people are not satisfied with their gender, sometimes God made a way for her to be back in her roots! right? πŸ˜€
    Okay, thanks for the new info about your site,,,i’m happy that you’re becoming successful in this field, i’m proud of you kabayan! cheers πŸ™‚

  4. Now i have seen it all i dont mind to die now !

  5. grey,

    not yet… who knows, tommorrow surely there will be jaw dropping stories like this..
    clone human,..etc… this is what science & tech dragging us into..

  6. Grey, haha lol :D, lestat is right, it’ not time yet, there are still many things to wait for πŸ™‚

  7. bpnoy3

    ok well he has a female body. is it surprising that he can make a baby? no.

  8. bpinoy3, you’re right as what lestat said she is still a she!

  9. Tom

    Totally perverse. It’s sickening just to think about it.

  1. 1 Pregnant Celebrities » The Filipino Pregnant Man

    […] Kelly wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptImage: from Thomas Beati, 34, a Filipino-American born and raised in Hawaii, also known as Tracy Lagondino when he was a female is a female transgender with a male persona now. Married with his wife Nancy and now lives in … […]

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